I'm so glad you're here. I know that if you're scrolling my website, you're likely feeling a bit lost. Perhaps you're not even sure what you're looking for, but just know that something isn't working.
You just can't, anymore.
I know that feeling well.
Before I jump into how I might be able to support you, let me tell you a little about me–make sure we vibe, and all.
I am a deeply feeling, open soul who loves to explore the depths of humanity.
I spent decades of my life checking all the boxes, doing the things I was supposed to do, only to find myself deeply dissatisfied and yearning for more. For better. For deeper. For meaning.
And so I burned it all down.
I forgot everything I've ever been taught I was supposed to be and started looking within for the answers I was seeking.
I don't have it all figured out. I don't expect that I ever will.
But what I do know is that I won't ever stop exploring the depths of my soul or questioning the why behind everything.
My purpose is not to be quiet. My purpose is not to play small. My purpose is not to have all the answers.
My purpose is to stand steady in the unknown, using my light to be your guide. To shine my light so bright that it helps you find your way, leading you through your darkest moments, reintroducing you to the wisdom you hold within.
I am here for the women who are ready to dive deep into their soul to uncover the wounds, messages, and patterns that keep them stuck. For the women who know that life should feel better than it does, and who are ready to do the work to step into their fullness, embrace their inner wisdom, and reclaim their power.
If you're on a quest to improve your life by looking within, seeking guidance rather than answers, then you're in the right place.
My mission is to empower you to embrace vulnerability, trust your intuition, and rediscover your inner light.
For individuals, my one-on-one sessions, group support, + meditation memberships provide the tools you need to navigate life's challenges + heal from within.
For the entrepreneur, I offer intuitive insights to turn your inspiration into actionable plans without cookie-cutter strategies.
By following your inner wisdom, I'll help you get in alignment with your authentic desires + passions.

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